As a mentor and guide I utilize Somatic Coaching, Embodied Voice Expression and Somatic Sex Education to support you to…

Develop deep connection, reverence and love for your body.

Access and express the emotional truth and wisdom that lives within all of your cells

Strengthen and celebrate your relationship to your sensuality and erotic self love

Develop inner safety and self worth

Learn to access, value and express your feelings, needs, desires and boundaries

Reclaim your pleasure


Express the authentic wild voice that lives inside your body and soul

Somatic Coaching & Somatic Sex Education

Somatic Sessions are available for women who desire to cultivate a deeply loving relationship with their body while reclaiming and nurturing their creative expression and wholeness. These sessions are intended to empower self love, choice and voice, trauma healing, inner child healing and more.

Session Focus: building resources for self regulation and connecting to your inner truth. Learning to access and voice your needs, feelings, boundaries and desires. Exploring Somatic Tracking, Mindfulness, Voice Expression, Pleasure Mapping, Anatomy of Arousal, Emotional Expression and more.

In person sessions for women can include Integrative Body Work & Mindful Erotic Touch to support trauma healing, scar tissue remediation, pleasure building, breast healing and choice and voice empowerment in relationship. All sessions are client led and are designed to meet your unique needs and intentions.

Available on Zoom and In person

Somatic Sex Education Association


Soma Voice Opening

Somatic Voice Opening Sessions are available for folks who desire to access the healing potency and power of their own bodysoul voice. In these sessions we will explore the realms of expression through somatic song, elemental/earth connection, grounding and deep somatic exploration.

$100/hour adults $60 children age 16 and under

Available on Zoom and In person


Mindful Erotic Practice for Women

Developing a mindful erotic practice is a way to support you to build a foundation of compassionate connection and self love in relationship with your own body and soul. MEP is a journey of returning home to yourself, to your inner source of love, pleasure and creativity. It is a practice that supports you to find presence with your body, and learn to listen and discover your true needs, feelings and desires moment by moment. This is a practice that supports folks to cultivate wholeness, embodied self worth and safety from the inside out.

We explore compassionate witnessing, voice expression, choice and voice connection, and somatics in a safe container that values your boundaries and full spectrum needs and feelings. We explore how to identify and alchemize the beliefs and programming around your sexuality that are limiting your ability to express your true self in your life. We honor traumas, scars, resistances, fears and insecurities as they ebb and flow. In this journey we practice welcoming your curiosities, your joy and your deep desires with a sense of playfulness, compassion, honoring and care.


Somatic Coaching Packages

4 Somatic Coaching Sessions_Online via Zoom


Free 30 min Intro Call

60-75 min Sessions x 4

Weekly Support via Telegram

15 min check in calls for additional support, accountability and integration as needed x 4


3 Month Incubator

Somatic Coaching Deep Dive_Online via Zoom or In Person


Free 30 min Intro Call

60-75 min Sessions x 12 consecutive weeks

Weekly Support via Telegram

Prerecorded Meditations and Resources

15 min check in calls for additional support, accountability and integration as needed x 12


Email me here to learn more & Schedule a Free Intro Call


Breast Love & Sensual Wellness Online Course




“Maya has helped me uncover many beliefs that have been holding me back. I came to her knowing I wanted help around annoyances I felt with loved ones around me. She lovingly asked powerful questions that helped me realize I am not feeling connected to my feminine side which in return has disconnected me from a lot of things I love to do. By having continuous sessions with her, I am learning to embrace my feminity, practice self-love and care and saying yes to things that light my heart on fire. Coaching with her is always a treat because I feel I can be myself without any judgment”.

~ Alexandra Barone, Pittsburgh PA

“I have been coached many times by Maya and every time we have a session I leave feeling renewed and inspired. Maya has an amazing way to help me tune in with my body's wisdom and find the clarity that I am needing to move forward in life. Maya is also very nurturing, attentive and caring. I feel so held and supported whenever I have the opportunity to work with her. I highly recommend her as a coach and guide to anyone who is ready to tune into the somatic wisdom of their being.”

~Naïma Nand, Maui HI

“After only about 2 months in Maya’s space I’m experiencing life-changing expansion in my voice. She weaves her wisdom about the emotional world and inner child healing with simple, embodied voice practices. Her space-holding is gentle, safe, feminine and very authentic.

If you crave being with song and sound in an Earth-based, body-first loving way, beyond the paradigm of performance and good & bad, Maya is an incredible guide on your journey. I will be forever grateful that I followed my intuition to work with her - it has not only made me be able fiiiinally sing from a place of joy and ease instead of constriction and critique, but also greatly strengthened my connection to Earth, my body and my inner sense of stability, peace and pleasure. Thank you Maya <3”

~Bella Bassani, Sweden

“With Maya you'll leave every session with renewed clarity, strengthened confidence, and regained spirituality. She uses the power of mindfulness to bring your mind, body, and heart into alignment so that you can naturally feel the richness of your whole being and tap into your inner wisdom. She beautifully weaves in her appreciation for nature to get you grounded in the present so that you can build your very own reservoir of courage and self-trust to constructively and peacefully face, sit, and work with your fears, insecurities, and doubts”.

~ Karima Behmand, WA

Does this sound familiar?

You struggle setting boundaries and speaking up for what you need and desire in your relationships

You feel held back by self-doubt and confusion, and tend to give away your power to please others

You feel disconnected from your body, your feelings, your pleasure and from your own clear inner guidance system

You experience chronic pain and discomfort in your body but you don’t understand why

You notice you tend to suppress your true emotions and even devalue and diminish your own needs and desires

Your voice feels blocked, shy, shut down and/or suppressed

You also have a deep longing in your heart to…

Free your voice and confidently express yourself in all areas of your life

You desire to develop a sacred, loving and unwavering connection to your own body and soul

You are ready to courageously value and feel all of your emotions and tap into the well of wisdom, healing capacities and power that they hold

You desire to experience and express exactly who you are in your pleasure, your power, your wholeness, and your humanness as a cocreator on Earth

You are ready to fully align with what is loving for your sacred body temple and beautiful soul

Somatic Coaching sessions take place over the Phone, Zoom or In Person

If you’d like to learn more, email me at

Intentions, Values and Guiding Principles


  • I intend to support you in accessing the overflowing love energy that exists inside your own body and soul.

  • I am here to support you in discovering what is most loving for you on your journey and explore how to discern between what is and isn’t loving based on the unique knowing that exists inside your own cells.

  • I am here to support you in getting to know your own love frequency in your tissues and to discover any obstacles that might be in the way of you fully loving yourself, your body and Earth.

  • I intend to show up in as much of my own self love as possible to help mirror and support you in discovering yours.


  • I am honored to support you to develop a deep connection and loving relationship with your body. You will begin to become resourced in accessing sensation in your body in present time. Developing skills for having deep self regard, choice + voice, self love, pleasure and confidence.

  • I value embodiment as a journey of soul and body unification.

  • I value continuing to practice my own embodiment and to share support and guidance from my own inner truth, integrity, wisdom and self love.

Self Awareness

  • I will support you to notice your own thoughts, feelings and beliefs about yourself and about life. We will explore how your inner landscapes are reflected on the outer, and deepen in mindfulness around your own co-creative power.

  • You will become skilled at noticing your impact on the world around you, and noticing how the world around you impacts you.

  • You’ll be supported to become aware of your needs, emotions, bodily sensations, habits and patterns, creative gifts, and desires.

Self Responsibility & Honesty

  • You understand that you are truly your own inner healer. No one else can “pull” you along or do the inner work for you. I deeply value that your own free will choice is honored and respected.

  • I understand that change is constant. If anything comes up for you during the coaching process that needs attention or change, I value communicating and speaking feelings and needs as soon as possible, vs avoiding or ignoring the need for change.

  • Honesty is a core value in this practice. I desire to work together to find solutions that are in alignment for both client and practitioner.


  • I understand that we live in a culture that often tries to “wiggle out” of being in integrity or full accountability. I ask you to please hold me, as your coach, to a high level of integrity and accountability, and I would like to promise you my commitment to this as well.

  • Honoring your unique unfolding process is an integral part of Somatic practice. This means, we value and respect the timing of your own healing process and we honor the pacing that feels fully right for you as you unfold naturally. This also means we do not force or push a process to happen more quickly than it needs to in order to meet a desired outcome.


  • I see you as a sovereign being with your own free will choice, needs and desires. Somatic Sessions/SSE and Soma Voice Sessions are sacred spaces that will support you to access your own truth. I whole heartedly support and encourage you to express your truth around how you feel and what you need moment to moment.

  • Your body and soul are the main guidance systems in our sessions together, and therefore you are encouraged to only explore to the depths that feel fully aligned for you; for your timing, readiness and personal needs.

  • If you are unable to determine what you feel or need, with your consent, I will support you to discern what next steps might be most loving and in integrity for you.

  • I strongly feel that freedom exists inside our own embodied landscapes. You have the freedom to choose what you need moment to moment. I will always do my best to ask consent if there is touch involved in a somatic session, and will always respect your choices, feelings and needs.


  • I will support you to practice accessing and voicing your bodily sensations, personal needs, feelings and innate unfolding desires.

  • I will also support you to access and express the feelings, memories, truths, wisdom and gifts that live in your body utilizing sound and song.

  • An exploration of Sounding and Singing will often be used to support energy movement through the body.

  • You are encouraged to express the unique essence that you are through your voice; through your unique raw sounds and words.

  • Your Yes is welcomed and celebrated. Your No is welcomed and celebrated. And your maybe is welcomed and celebrated. I also deeply celebrate and support you if you need to change your mind at any point in the process, how ever many times you need.

  • I am here to help you discover what your true yes, no and maybe feel like in your own body, and learn how to communicate this in the world.


  • I will support you to explore the practice of setting healthy loving boundaries with yourself and others. This means we will discover what feels safe and loving to you, moment to moment, as a unique being.

  • I intend to honor and respect your boundaries and I ask that you honor and respect mine as well.

  • I will honestly and openly speak my boundaries and celebrate you as you honestly and openly speak yours.

Eroticism is Celebrated

  • I value the full exploration and expression of your erotic essence in this space. I deeply feel that erotic energy is an integral part of our health and wholeness, and I welcome and celebrate your erotic essence whole heartedly.

  • I value curiosity and playfulness while exploring pleasure and eroticism. I support you to deeply listen to your body’s spontaneous desires, deep truths, curiosities and needs.

  • Pleasure is celebrated and loved!

  • You are celebrated in your curiosities and are invited to creatively explore your pleasure during our sessions together. This can include creativity with touch, objects, sound and song, movement and dance, art and whatever else truly supports your creative erotic expression.

  • We can have an open dialogue about how your creativity longs to express, and discern how to create safe enough spaces for you to explore your pleasure, desires and curiosities.

Matter Matters

  • Your full spectrum of feelings & needs are respected and honored.

  • I deeply value your feeling body and sensitivity as an integral part of your inner guidance system.

  • I feel that your emotions guide you in knowing what you need to create more safety, health, fulfillment and love in your life.

  • I intend to support you to feel your own inner guidance system from within your unique matter.


  • Often in somatic sessions, I will create space for catharsis. This is the expression of emotion that allows for a full cycle or wave to be felt, expressed and completed. This expression may look differently for each person however it can often express through physical movement, punching pillows, shaking the body, moving the spine in waves, flowing tears, laughter, moaning, and making loud wild sounds.

  • I welcome all the wild sounds, waters and movements of your body during emotional experience and release.

Containment & Safety

  • I value being on time to sessions, knowing that the time container is intended for the self care and safety of the client. If clients are to be later than 20 minutes, the session will need to be rescheduled. The client understands that if they arrive up to 20 minutes late, the session will still end at the previously arranged time. I understand that sometimes life brings obstacles and I value communicating as soon as possible if there is an inability to make the scheduled time.

  • Somatic explorations can sometimes lead to an awareness of trauma. If trauma memory surfaces, we will Pause and discern for the most loving and safe way to proceed in session. As your practitioner, I will always make sure that I have the necessary resources and support when choosing to go into trauma healing to create upmost safety and containment. This means I will only support you to move into processes that are within my scope of practice. If there is emotional content that arises that is outside my scope of practice, I will do my very best to refer you to someone that can support you in safety and love.

  • Somatic Explorations often lead to an awareness of pleasure. When pleasure surfaces, I whole heartedly respect and celebrate you to experience the fullness of your pleasure.

  • Sacred Pause: During sessions we utilize the “Sacred Pause” to reassess next steps from a place of presence and embodied awareness. We will move slowly in sessions, honor your pacing and deeply listen to what is rising in your body and soul moment by moment.

  • Sacred Space: Sessions will be held in a space that is private, clean and cozy. Peaceful ambiance will be created to support deep relaxation and full expression.

Multidimensional Human

  • I acknowledge you as a multidimensional human being. Your uniqueness is celebrated, honored and respected.

  • You are welcomed and supported exactly as you are. Thank you for being you!


  • I value the body as an expression of Earth. I value the Earth and the body as one.

  • I value supporting clients to deepen in relationship with the Earth, through their own unique embodiment experience.

  • I support you to connect with Earth energetically, physically and emotionally as a resource for deeper embodiment and self love.

Connection and Equality

  • I value all beings as truly equal. I see each of us as powerful co-creators with life, with each other and with earth. As a practitioner I stand in the circle of equality and love with you as the client. I am your ally.


  • Whatever happens in sessions is held deeply sacred and confidential. I maintain confidentiality for all clients, with the following exception(s): if a client shares that they are in the process of, or are planning to, hurt themselves or someone else, I break confidentiality by whatever means I can in order to ensure that no one is harmed. It is also possible that I would need to break confidentiality if required to do so by law.

  • Of course, in this digital age, I can make no guarantees that my cell phone would not be hacked or that my email account would not be hacked. Those are always potential risks, though naturally I do what I can to prevent them from happening.


  • Coaching is an unlicensed industry. I am not a therapist, and do not diagnose or treat conditions. Coaching is not recommended as a substitute for therapy.

  • If you have been diagnosed or in treatment for a mental health-related condition or addiction in the past, you are advised to let me know and to continue with that treatment.

  • By entering into a coaching relationship, I value that you are able to understand and acknowledge that you are solely responsible for your own choices, and that no guarantees or outcomes are being promised as a result of coaching. You are encouraged to seek the advice or second opinions of the professionals of your choosing before proceeding with any of the suggestions made during our coaching sessions.