05 | Water - The Elixir of Life with Isabel Friend


Water is the elixir of life. In indigenous cultures across the globe, water continues to be revered as a sacred medicine that not only brings great healing but is a necessary component for all of life to thrive on this planet. There is a divine structure to water that in its most natural state can hold memory and healing vibrations. Join us in episode 5 to learn about structured water, understand how to revive the water that you are drinking so that it is in its most natural healthy structure, and learn solutions to help with the current global water crisis.

Mni Wiconi - Lakota for Water Is Life

Isabel is a public speaker, nutritionist, dance teacher and yoga teacher, Reiki master & aromatherapist with a passion for understanding the power of earth-based living and 5 element integration. With 10 years of experience in the field of health, her wellness philosophy centers around the idea that the closer we come to nature, the healthier and more human we become. Contrastly, when we stray from these foundational laws of life, we become ill and feel disconnected from our Source. She's passionate about bringing modern scientific understanding together with ancient ancestral wisdom in a way that grounds primal living strategies into our 21st century lifestyles.

So far, she's taught about Water throughout the US, Canada, Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Thailand.

Visit www.waterislife.love to learn more about Isabel and her offerings.

Maya Cordova